
A corn patty either grilled or fried and stuffed with a variety of ingredients. From simply butter and cheese or shredded chicken and avocado to slow roasted pork.

As one of the most famous Venezuelan dishes arepas are part of the daily life of most Venezuelan families.

Arepas are considered the best breakfast in the world but its versatility makes them ideal for any time of the day.




A corn cake folded with queso de mano (soft handmade cheese).

The corn batter is made with fresh corn and grilled a budare (flat griddle made from stone, clay or steel).  The batter is poured in the budare like a pancake, but thicker.

Cachapas are served warm with queso de mano. Some variations add shredded beef.

Pabellon Venezolano

Pabellon Criollo


The traditional Pabellon Criollo is considered the national dish of Venezuela. This dish includes:

  • White Rice
  • Shredded Beef
  • Black Beans
  • Fried Plantains

Plato Navideño

Traditionally served during the holiday season this dish includes hallacas, pan de jamon and chicken salad.

Hallacas: corn dough stuffed with a stew of beef, raisins, capers, olives. It is folded in plantain leaves, tied with strings, and boiled.

Pan de Jamon: bread dough rolled with ham, raisins and olives.